
The 10 Best Wine & ag体育正规酒庄的食物搭配

By Daisy Barringer October 31, 2023

那种一下子就能买到的唯一食物的日子一去不复返了 Napa Valley winery was breadsticks, maybe a cheese plate, and if you were really lucky, a gourmet picnic lunch. Today, more and more Napa wineries 是否倾向于葡萄酒最好与食物一起享用.

In fact, many wineries are hiring talented chefs to work directly with the winemakers to create food menus that pair perfectly with the wines and also showcase the region’s seasonal bounty—much of which is often grown on the Wine Country estates and is just as, if not even more, 比任何一顿饭都好吃 restaurant. It’s a chance for visitors to elevate the typical wine tasting experience while relaxing with a fantastic meal and learning more about the wine than they ever would standing at a tasting room. Read on to learn about 10 Napa Valley wineries that are offering exceptional wine and culinary journeys of all kinds.

在Hess Person庄园的味觉体验之旅
味觉体验之旅. Photo Courtesy of Hess Persson Estates.

维德山上最古老的酒庄之一, Hess Persson Estates 通过其优雅和平衡的葡萄酒表达了崎岖的地形. Hess provides several unique food and wine tasting experiences for visitors. Reserve the Tour of the Palate for a walking tour of the Hess Art Collection followed by a tasting of limited-production, 庄园葡萄酒搭配三道菜的菜单从行政总厨, Chad Henderson. There’s also an ATV Vineyard Tour, for those gourmands feeling a bit more adventurous. After a tour of the estate on a luxurious ATV, you’ll sit down for a memorable food and wine tasting.


食物和葡萄酒的搭配经验. Photo Courtesy of Clif Family Winery.

Clif Family Winery strives to create a more sustainable world through the enjoyment of wine and food. Winemaker Laura Barrett and Executive Chef John McConnell have created several exceptional tasting experiences that pair the winery’s small-production Howell Mountain Estate wines with organic, 直接来自克里夫家庭农场的时令农产品. 以早午餐为灵感的起床是开始新的一天的最佳方式 & Wine tasting. If you’re a Mountain-grown wine aficionado, reserve the King of the Mountain experience. You’ll sip on four Howell Mountain wines and eat expertly created bites that highlight and showcase the nuances of each wine. All tastings occur on the outdoor terrace with vineyard views during the warmer months, 或者在凉爽的月份里坐在亲密的炉边.

709 Main Street, St. 海伦娜,加利福尼亚州94574,(707)968 -0625

Arch & Tower
享受葡萄酒,自制的咬,和河景在拱门 & Tower in downtown Napa. Photo courtesy of Arch & Tower

Robert Mondavi, 他是禁酒令之后第一个在ag体育正规开大酒厂的人, 他对酒和食物的鉴赏力是出了名的, so it only makes sense that his iconic winery would offer culinary experiences. 而真正的罗伯特·蒙大维酒厂正在进行翻新, 游客可以前往位于纳帕市中心的全新地点, called Arch & Tower. Here, experiences are designed to take visitors through an exploration of wine, food and culture. 不要错过传奇午餐, 在纳帕河畔的公共餐桌上悠闲地享用午餐, showcasing three internationally-inspired (yet locally-sourced) courses paired with wines from The Estates Collection. 找个比较轻的东西,拱门 & Tower apr是一个不错的选择, featuring wines by the glass and snacks a la carte offered until 7:00 PM daily.


Round Pond Estate.
坐在露台上,享受葡萄酒之乡的美食之旅. Photo Courtesy of Round Pond Estate

位于著名的 Rutherford AVA in Napa Valley, Round Pond 以其高端的赤霞珠而闻名, 拥有玛雅卡马斯山脉美景的华丽庄园, 橄榄油的生产. 在Il Pranzo美食和葡萄酒品尝体验期间, guests go on a culinary journey that begins with a tour of the winery garden and olive grove, followed by a four-course food and wine pairing featuring ingredients seen on the tour. 在葡萄酒之乡度过一天是一种美丽(又美味)的方式.


品鉴赤霞珠葡萄酒的体验. Photo Courtesy of Sequoia Grove.

This family-owned winery in Rutherford is a picturesque stop in Napa Valley, thanks to its historic tasting barn—constructed in 1908—set amidst towering Sequoia redwoods and sustainably-farmed vines. Photo opps aside, the winery is a must-visit for its Taste of Cabernet wine and food experience. 突出四大美食, 由Britny Maureze厨师制作,以增强葡萄酒的风味, 品尝赤霞珠是一种发现原因和方式的美味方式 纳帕赤霞珠 适合搭配各种食物.

8338 St. 海伦娜公路,加州卢瑟福94573,(707)944 -2945

精彩的厨房体验. 鹿跃酒窖
精彩的厨房体验. Photo Courtesy of 鹿跃酒窖.

When Stag’s Leap’s Cabernet Sauvignon triumphed over renowned French Bordeauxs at a blind tasting in 1976, 这个事件现在被称为 Judgment of Paris, the entire world started to look at California wines with a different, much more favorable, lens. Visitors can try several of the Napa Valley winery’s famous Cabernet Sauvignons during the Cellarious Kitchen Experience while dining on dishes created to “both complement and contrast their flavors and aromas” and learning the story behind the pairings.


享受经典的ag体育正规赤霞珠. PEJU
享受经典的ag体育正规赤霞珠. Photo Courtesy of PEJU Winery.

Peju Winery makes excellent Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot and also focuses on the guest experience, which makes it a popular Wine Country destination. ag体育正规卢瑟福庄园拥有一尘不染的草坪, gorgeous gardens, meandering footpaths, and a 50-foot tower with a weathered copper roof that is home to the tasting room. The Reserve Tasting Experience features five of the winemaker’s favorite reserve, 小批量葡萄酒和随季节烹饪伴奏. You can also add a cheese plate to your Classic Seated Tasting or the Chef’s Sampler, 从周五到周日都有空吗. If you’re a member, you can reserve the exclusive Wine and Food Pairing experience.

8466 St. 海伦娜公路,加州卢瑟福94573,(707)963 -3600

Louis M. 马提尼品尝体验
享受美酒与美食的完美搭配. Photo Courtesy of Louis M. Martini.

Louis M. Martini has been crafting world-class Cabernet Sauvignon since 1933 and is one of Napa’s most iconic wineries. 酒庄提供了几种食物搭配的机会, 包括独家地下酒窖品酒, set in the historic underground cellar and featuring small-lot and library wines paired with fine-dining restaurant-worthy culinary creations. For a more relaxed visit that’s perfect for larger groups (up to ten people), 有一个户外小屋品酒会,客人可以享受家庭式的生活, 野餐般的意大利美食搭配四种葡萄酒.

254 St. Helena Highway S, St. 海伦娜,加利福尼亚州94574,(707)968-3362

5道从农场到餐桌的体验. Photo Courtesy of Brian Arden Wines.

Brian Arden Wines is a small, 生产少于2个的家族企业,500 cases a year, and a relative newcomer to Napa Valley’s Calistoga region having “just” opened in 2015, but the winery has already made a name for itself when it comes to hospitality. The Chef Experience begins with a glass of wine and a tour of the property, 这就导致了一顿由酿酒厂自己的厨师准备的“丰盛午餐”, 在开放式厨房或环绕式露台上都可以配对.

加利福尼亚州卡利斯托加市西尔维拉多路北路331号,邮编94515,(707)942 -4767

Ashes & Diamonds Winery
Photo Courtesy of Ashes & Diamonds Winery

作为ag体育正规的新人, Ashes & Diamonds 2017年开业,立即引起轰动. The winery has a mid-century modern vibe meant to appeal to a younger crowd, 但各个年龄段的葡萄酒爱好者都会喜欢这种随意的风格, 家庭式的“加州新风格”美食体验. The luncheon features fresh and wood-fired dishes all made with seasonal ingredients, 与精选的灰烬完美搭配 & Diamonds wine.



Also worth noting are these Napa Valley wineries that serve tasty and elevated snacks for those looking for a pairing that’s on the lighter side. Handwritten Wines offers a Bread & Butter experience, 四种葡萄酒搭配白松露薯片, Bouchon面包店的法棍面包, artisan butters, Coppa Salame, 还有巴斯克奶酪. Priest Ranch Winery goes bold with a Bacon & 品酒体验,听起来就是这样. At Silver Trident Winery, 薯片盛宴是脆脆的, fun, 用咸的方式品尝葡萄酒, as is the Savory Cookie Pairing that can be added to any tasting flight at Tamber Bey Vineyards. 对于那些更喜欢高雅一点的人来说, Davies Vineyard hosts a Bubbles & 鱼子酱早午餐在周五,周六,周日早上.